Saturday, March 08, 2008

Who needs the outside world, anyway??

Recently I joined Netflix, and let's just say that things have gotten a little *ahem A LOT ahem* out of hand. I've discovered not only the DVD portion of the site, but also the "Watch Instantly" portion, which has been my downfall. Seriously.

In the past three weeks, Netflix has been responsible for my becoming a serious recluse as I have watched the following thanks to its oh so awesome "Watch Instantly" and overnight delivery of DVDs:

The Namesake
Becoming Jane
Donnie Darko: Director's Cut
The Assassination of Jesse James
Little Miss Sunshine

Watch Instantly:
The entire season 1 of "Heroes" in the span of 5 days. (Yes, that's 24 episodes...)
The Way We Were
Pan's Labyrinth
Stand By me
The Seat Filler
The Usual Suspects
Right At Your Door
The Good German
The Shining

Yes, that's over the course of THREE weeks. My name is odderie, and...I have a problem.


QuietlyGoingMad said...

We share this problem. It's gotten so bad I watch pathetically bad movies like 'Peggy Sue Got Married'! I do recommend watching Dexter if you get the chance! Oh and American Gothic is good too. Sorry, I'm a 'Watch Now' enabler!

cbk5000 said...

got here from your overwhelming yelp review trove.

and yes. netflix is so awesome. i have a list of 434 dvds. i was once at 7 dvds at a time. i've since cut back to 4. i feel like a recovering coke fiend who thinks heroin every so often is a good idea.

where would you recommend i eat next, btw?

suki said...

it's so easy to let netflix take control... at least you're all caught up on heroes? :)